Monday, September 15, 2014

My thoughts on companies customer service

I admit, I do write companies to review their products, but one of my fellow bloggers had a very negative experience with a company. I am linking down below what she wrote on her blog and I hope we can spread awareness that we are important to companies since we are free advertisement for them and we reach thousands of people. I hope this company, Milly's Organics, understand that by being so rude and negative, it has, in a manner of hours, spread through hundreds of people. Hopefully, she learned something. You can never take back something once it's already been said. My mom taught me that a long time ago, and this is going to be around for a while, that's for sure.

We bloggers take the time to try these products and take the time to reach out to these companies, and not to get free products. It's because we genuinely love to blog. Our word reach far and wide, and we work our butts off. We try products such as facial cleansers, diet pills, even food to review and give our honest thoughts to the public. But, I am also going to stand up for what's right. Great customer service is a must in ANY situation, and for someone to accuse another she's just trying to get free products and that anyone could blog, was downright rude. Sure, people can blog, but it takes more than that. It takes heart and soul to do it.

Here's the link everyone:

Brandy's Random Reviews: Milly's Organics

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