Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Ebay Selling Vol. 1

Well, I have been for the last month or so, lurking Ebay. Figuring out the ins and outs of selling and buying. Now, people tell me that it isn't rocket science. They're right, it isn't. But, to sell and to buy, you need to be aware of rules and how they want things done. To me, it was confusing at first, simply because you had to learn to navigate your way through everything. They linking Paypal. Then figuring out shipping labels. Yes, I'm still working on the shipping labels. There have been times where I've been way off. So now, I just do Flat Rate. No way to go wrong there! Unless you know that it can fit into a padded envelope with easy.

One thing that I am investing in is a mail scale. I found one that will weight packages up to 140lbs. So I feel this will help in getting correct postage in the future.  I've also invested in bubble wrap and packaging tape. Some of my best friends! Another lesson I've learned is to do 2 invoices. One for yourself and another for your buyer. I also make sure that I save the label records. This way, if there are any disputes, you have a paper trail. Virtual and physical paper trail. I have two books where these go. I have them all meticulously labeled. For a hobby, sure sounds like a full time job, right? Well, if you sell on Ebay, it is!

I believe after you sell $10,00 or $5,000, I'm not sure which, you do have to report to the IRS. You have to make sure that if this happens, you have the taxes for it. I know when you invoice people, you can add your state taxes or theirs. Choice is yours. Now, I could be wrong, I am not saying that everything I say is absolutely correct. I am stating that this is MY experience with Ebay. Yours could be entirely different. I will definitely keep you updated on this journey, that's for sure! There is always more to learn and more to read up on. If you have anything that could help with this journey, please let me know!

Have fun, I'm going to go troll Ebay again!

**Ebay logo courtesy of Ebay.com**

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