Thursday, September 4, 2014

Review: Healthy Now Nutritionals Colon Cleanse Detox

Ok, I'm a person that usually has no problem talking about anything, but when it comes to poop, it's a little different, but when I agreed to try the Colon Cleanse Detox, I was seriously at a loss. How do you talk about poop? Well, I guess we just plunge right in, right? Literally, plunge right in. LOL.

I got cleaned out, quickly, I might add. I was literally grabbing my butt rushing to the bathroom to go. I swear I had a 5lb. baby out of my butt. But, honestly? I feel better. I feel better than I have in years. How is this possible? Well, I will give credit to this colon cleanse. It better be squeaky clean.

Would I recommend this? YES. I feel everyone needs to detox once in a while and this is one way to do it. From what I've read most of the ingredients are all natural. So, for me, that's a huge plus. You can take up to 4 capsules a day, but I only needed 2. I think I would have a broken butt if I took more than that. I will definitely do another review when the hubby gets home so I can have him try it. I do recommend that if you are on any prescription medication to consult a doctor. You don't want it to interfere with your meds if there's a chance for a reaction.

You can buy it on Amazon for $19.97 and is Prime eligible. You can go straight to the product through this link: .

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So go get a bottle and take a detox......just be sure to be by a bathroom. I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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